Monday, 1 December 2008

Life was better under the Tories

I have to admit when I was younger, I jumped on the bandwagon of not liking the Tories and not really knowing why. But then again I've never thought much of Labour either. I was too young to vote when labour took over, but I was optimistic that things would be better under Labour, I was wrong.
Since labour has been in power, there has been a erosion of our civil liberties, there was more social mobility under the Tories. Living under labour is like a teacher breathing down my neck and telling me what to do. Their policy is people are thick morons, zombies and we've got a get them in the head. But the brainwashing doesn't work, people showed what they really thought of the government in the last local election.
I never used to be interested in politics under the Tories, because I was content, but it's taken a bad government to do it, I don't know if that's a good thing or bad thing. The more people's toes they tread on the more opposition they are going to face, and if they are annoying thickos like me they are definitely doomed.
In the words of Father Ted 'It's funny how you get more right wing as you get older', well unless you're one of those loony lefts. To be honest I'm in the middle, but I'm supporting Conservatives for a moderate society.

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