Thursday, 29 January 2009

The Labour Religion

One thing I've noticed about Labour is they operate much like a religion. They preach to us like religious nutters do, saying we must give up smoking, drink less, eat 5 fruit and veg a day, and the new one is this change 4 life campaign. They let councils spy on us, they take away as many rights as they can get away with in the guise of combating terrorists. Well we had far more incidents of terrorism under the conservatives by the IRA, and they didn't bring in all these laws.

To me it's exactly the same way organised religion operates. Religion has the threat of hell and the devil. Labour has the threat of terrorists, which I know is actually more real than hell or the devil, but they are using it as a means to scare people and take away our freedom. I think that the terrorists have already won because the governments actions have caused a climate of terror and oppression in this country. I know this as my family and I were harassed for a short time, as people were abusing powers they had been given.

Religion preaches morals and the right way to live. Labour also like to tell us how we should live and are taking away our freedom of choice to eat want we want, smoke where we like, and watch what we want. Most of the top Labour politicians are religious, so it's no wonder they run their party like one.

Ideally I would love all politicians to be atheists, I can't see how having a religious belief is any advantage to running a country. Especially a country where most people are probably atheists or just not bothered.

Tuesday, 27 January 2009

A Poem Inspired by Our Great Leader

This poem is truly awful, but not as awful as the man who inspired it.

There was a clown
Called Gordon Brown
Who made all the children frown
For you see this clown
Had spent all their future money
So the children did not think
This clown was funny
So the adults asked him to leave
But this was a concept
He could not conceive
For he found it quite hard to believe
That all the people felt deceived

Monday, 26 January 2009

Money Saving Tips

A few tips to help in the recession, as well as helping the environment too.

1.Buy second hand, join a freecycle if you have one in your area, they are on yahoo groups and basically it's people giving away things they don't want anymore for free. Buy from charity shops.

2. Make do and mend rather than getting brand new stuff, or get it secondhand.

3. Look in skips sometimes you find real treasures in them, I got a beautiful pair of metal dining chairs all that was wrong with them was they needed new seat covers.

4. Buy from markets, buy all the cheap discount food in shops, or buy the no frills. Grow your own vegetables. Learn about nature and it's abundant and neglected food source. I make dandelion coffee by roasting dandelion roots. But be sure you definitely know it's edible before eating it and some plants have to be cooked or prepared in a certain way to make them edible. And don't pick from the roadside.

5. Don't buy top brand items, or designer clothes, you can even learn to dress make if you have the time and make your own clothes. Or even knit your own clothes. Or buy plain clothes and customise them. Also it's easy to learn how to alter clothes if they don't fit properly, or even take them to an alteration shop.

6. Buy a massive stock of food that way you'll be paying last years prices, and if you get it wholesale it will be even cheaper, obviously you do it with things like tins and dried food.

7. Cook from scratch, don't buy take aways.

8. Buy electrical goods such as computers, consoles, DVD players that are older, there is no need to buy the latest gadgets when you can wait for them to go down in price a year later or get them second hand. My computer is a dinosaur that was given to me it was an ex-company computer that would have been thrown away.

9. Generally be thrifty, buy on eBay, make your own stuff, it's easy and there are lots of internet resources on how to make anything you want to. Even homemade beauty products and jewellery

Sunday, 25 January 2009

Dreaming of Hugh

Yesterday I noticed a strange advertisement of Hugh Fearnly-Whittingstall and some other TV chefs in a football kit on a huge billboard. I don't have TV so I have no idea what it was about, but I used to watch River Cottage before denouncing television. I especially loved the one episode I saw of beyond river cottage where he slit the throat of a chicken and made a woman cry.

After seeing this advertisement I thought that Hugh had lost all credibility by wearing a football kit and standing next to that idiot Gordon Ramsey (are all Gordon's idiots?). Then last night I had a really strange dream that I went on holiday to Tokyo in Japan and I bumped into Hugh and started having a big argument with him about how crap all celebrities are and how they preach to us about doing good deeds and never do anything themselves except Bob Geldof. Hugh was especially nice and even cooked me nice meal. Of course if I did meet him in real life I probably wouldn't say anything as I'm a social phobic.

Monday, 19 January 2009

Atheists rule the buses

I don't watch TV or listen to the radio. I flick through the news headlines and came across this one

Ironically this person actually brought this to my attention. I think it's a great campaign and think even more should be done. If this christian bus driver is refusing to drive a bus with an atheist advertisement, then from this day I will no longer buy anything from a christian business, or donate my money to any of their charities. Of course I won't do that as I am not that petty.

It's double standards as they are allowed to advertise their belief system and atheism is also a belief. A belief in reality, not some fairytale.

Religion is fear and oppression, atheism is freedom. If Christians are allowed to advertise then so should atheists. Atheists tolerate religion in their face everyday, so this guy should tolerate atheists. I wonder if he refuses to drive when Muslims or Jewish people get on his bus. And unknowingly he has been driving with many atheist passengers, I wonder if this bothers him to. Maybe he should set up his own christian bus service, where people can only get on with a pass stamped by a priest.
Yet again the Christians have shown what intolerant morons they are.

Friday, 16 January 2009

Interesting, but mostly made up facts.

John Major based his colour scheme on a council estate.

Henry Sellers made the BBC.

Every man made object was once apart of some one's imagination, even high rises. (It's funny how things never turn out how you imagine them).

Richard is a vampire sucking the life out Judy.

Cottage cheese is really baby sick.

Meatballs were traditionally made from horses testicles.

You really could eat your hat if it was made of leather, a bit chewy though. (Actually that is true read it in any survival book, apparently you would need alot of water to digest it.)

Boredom leads to some odd things, maybe in my case. But I'm never bored, there is just so many things to do. I think people who are bored have no imagination.

I like filling up the blog world with useless nonsense, look out for more in the future. I may even post some of my poems. At least I admit my poems are bad unlike Jen Hadfield.

Thursday, 15 January 2009

Pointless points

Apparently according to the British, the French are lazy. But I think the French are laid back, relaxed, and having a much better time than we are.

I think there is more value in doing a worthwhile job for less hours, than a job just to make money working 60+ hours a week. What is the point in working so many hours to make so much money that you have no time to enjoy the luxury's you can buy. Unless you love your job that much.

Also I think it's unfair for people to work for so many hours a week as they could work less hours and give someone else a job. Overtime steals jobs.

I don't work, but I look after children, the house and cook. If they are not jobs then why do people get paid for them.

I think women should stay at home and look after their children and should not be forced to go to work. Children are losing out because of stupid ideas. Even though some people would say my ideas are in the past. I think they make sense after all women are supposed to be nurturing and maternal, but many are now acting like men.

The biggest thing that puzzles me is feminism. I'm all for equality for both sexes, but I've come across many feminists who are who my opinion are not very feminine, and act like men. If men were to start a masculine movement I'm pretty sure they wouldn't start wearing dresses and make up and bitch like women.

I love being a woman and would hate to be competitive with men. Men and women are supposed to be lovers not fighters. Women do not look good with broken bent noses, missing teeth, yellowing skin from heavy drinking. No wonder there's so many single people.

Also I don't understand why some women are so picky, and expect some perfect man that doesn't exist. They are only made up in Hollywood by Homosexuals.

I've heard many women say why are all then good looking men gay. I've been to the gay village in Manchester and most of them weren't good looking at all. Some of them were butt ugly. The only good looking gays I know are the actors with are playing gays and are really straight.

In the kingdom of the blind, the one eyed man is king. That's a term coined in 1066 by Harold the conquerer after we successfully conned the Norman French into coming over here so we could take all their gold and con them into thinking they were in charge. Since that day all history has been a con, that's why we all speak French not.

Psychology in all it's glorious bullshit

Psychology in my opinion is total utter bullshit. Just like religion, it out to con and deceive people. Although it's entertaining and interesting to talk about it's still all made up.

The trick is that you read or see on telly something that vaguely resembles part of your personality and suddenly you make the rest of it fit and then become what you have read or heard.

Also I don't believe in personality, because as humans we change the way we act around different people. We are generally fickle, which suggests that we only react to our environment and to other people. What is personality when we are alone?

Mad people hear voices in their head, doesn't everyone? I am thinking words right now.

I also don't believe in a soul, the subconscious, spirituality or an afterlife. I don't need these fake comforts. I like the cold, bleak, biting reality. That's when you know you are really alive and this is it.

Also I don't believe anything I read or write, and I change my mind constantly.

Psychology is a great money maker. I don't know anyone who has been cured of their mental illness. I see lots of people self obsessed with everything about themselves and taking crappy personality tests in magazines. Ha ha ha, I've even done them myself when I was 16, and even thought back then, what a load of bullshit, or is it?

Thursday, 1 January 2009

Well here goes another Labour year

Well 2008 was the grimmest year I remember. The summer was humid, dull and overcast and the winter has been the coldest I can remember for a while. Yesterday it was -5c where I live. Even the winter's are bad under Brown's Labour. Well apparently things are only going to get worse as we plummet into a dark bitter recession. Gorden Brown's practical admitted now that he's not going to be able to save the economy (even though he has been saying he as a plan to save us) because he is now saying the recession will be a test of character (not his character though) Yet again the responsibility falls to us because the government are incompetent.

Firstly it's all the dole scums fault as they are getting to much benefit, apparently. Well it's the government who set the rate of benefits so it's the government fault. Most people who receive benefits get £47.95 up to the age of 24 and £60.50 for over 25's a week, plus housing and council tax benefit.

When I was single I got £43.50 a week. When I moved to a council flat, it cost £5 a week electricity, £7 gas, £4 water, a couple of quid tv licence, about £15 on food from Aldi so I had about £11 a week for whatever else I needed. I would buy clothes from the charity shop and shoes at the market for £5 a pair that never lasted long as I would walk alot as I didn't want to waste money on the bus. It hardly give me enough to do anything, let alone go out drinking. I still don't get enough to do that. So I've learned how to make my own clothes. I have mis-matched furniture that I either been given or found in skips or on the street. Even my computer is really old and was given to me by my Mum's boyfriend which he got free from work when they were updating their computers, but it works. Lately I've discovered Freecycle where people give away unwanted stuff for free. So do you still think it's great living on benefits? It's already a test of character.

My partner had times where he had no electricity and would only have a bag of spuds and went out to some waste ground to make a fire to cook his food, this was only 7 years ago. Before that he had worked in heavy industry, and got injured, even though he should claim incapacity benefit he doesn't nor does he claim carer's allowance for me. He did voluntary work for a while until the place shut down. He can never find decent work because he is a big man, and always gets asked if he has a criminal record, which he hasn't. That was why he could never get on a university course because he looks thuggish, but he is the kindest person I know. Yet me on the other hand got given more opportunities because I'm a woman. I did try but I was too ill.

One of my friends who was struggling with a drug problem on benefits was so ill that she committed suicide at the age of 19, she was a lovely girl, so kind hearted, she just had a tough life and was in a really dark depression. This is the reality for many of us living on benefits on council estates, and on top of that we get bitter middle class people telling us we are scrounging scum. (My partner has piles of pay slips and had contributed for many years until he got injured) Yet I'm sure they wouldn't want to swap places with us. I'd would have loved to have had a non abusive upbringing and then cushy college and uni, then have an easy peasy office job. It may be boring but it's better than living with so much mental pain that I don't want to live most of the time, and have spent most of my adult life on medication.

I've totally digressed from what I was going to blog about, not that it matters as no one reads my blogs anyway. My point was that it's no bed of roses living on benefits. I agree that people shouldn't abuse the benefits system but they are making us all look bad when their are plenty of people who genuinely claim. But it will be us taking the brunt of the abuse when this recession bites. There's no room for empathy under Labours government. And to all you middle class out there who fear losing your jobs and homes so you don't have to live with people like me, we are not that bad, as long as you don't act like snobbish pricks we would get along with you, as we don't like to patronised we are human beings too.