Thursday, 15 January 2009

Pointless points

Apparently according to the British, the French are lazy. But I think the French are laid back, relaxed, and having a much better time than we are.

I think there is more value in doing a worthwhile job for less hours, than a job just to make money working 60+ hours a week. What is the point in working so many hours to make so much money that you have no time to enjoy the luxury's you can buy. Unless you love your job that much.

Also I think it's unfair for people to work for so many hours a week as they could work less hours and give someone else a job. Overtime steals jobs.

I don't work, but I look after children, the house and cook. If they are not jobs then why do people get paid for them.

I think women should stay at home and look after their children and should not be forced to go to work. Children are losing out because of stupid ideas. Even though some people would say my ideas are in the past. I think they make sense after all women are supposed to be nurturing and maternal, but many are now acting like men.

The biggest thing that puzzles me is feminism. I'm all for equality for both sexes, but I've come across many feminists who are who my opinion are not very feminine, and act like men. If men were to start a masculine movement I'm pretty sure they wouldn't start wearing dresses and make up and bitch like women.

I love being a woman and would hate to be competitive with men. Men and women are supposed to be lovers not fighters. Women do not look good with broken bent noses, missing teeth, yellowing skin from heavy drinking. No wonder there's so many single people.

Also I don't understand why some women are so picky, and expect some perfect man that doesn't exist. They are only made up in Hollywood by Homosexuals.

I've heard many women say why are all then good looking men gay. I've been to the gay village in Manchester and most of them weren't good looking at all. Some of them were butt ugly. The only good looking gays I know are the actors with are playing gays and are really straight.

In the kingdom of the blind, the one eyed man is king. That's a term coined in 1066 by Harold the conquerer after we successfully conned the Norman French into coming over here so we could take all their gold and con them into thinking they were in charge. Since that day all history has been a con, that's why we all speak French not.

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